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Good Morning Members,

In the month of June we have two test workouts.

Our last test WOD before we go back to the start will be Elizabeth. Make sure you take note of your times when doing test workouts so when we retest you can see the differences between times / rounds and reps / weights used.

Our second test workout this month will be called “Sustainable Discomfort” it is a cardio based test. Don’t shy away from it you will benefit from doing this workout. We will retest this again in the near future so make sure to take note of score.

Gymnastic Session this month will be cancelled on Friday 31st May & 7th June due to Coach Megan being away but will resume again on Friday 14th with Handstand Press Ups

We will keep you up to date with any other news

CrossFit Scotland Team

Build A Better You!

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