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Friendly Fire - 8/9/23

“Friendly Fire”

Group Warm Up: Coaches Pick

WOD: AFAP in 15 mins / 5 mins x 2 Rounds

RXD Option: Must be completed as prescribed.

· A Completes:

400m Run

· B Completes:

5 Strict Pull Ups / Pull Ups

10 Press Ups

15 Squats

**If you complete 8 rounds start next section**

· A Completes:

300m Ski

· B Completes:

5 Power Cleans (70/50)

10 Sit Ups

15 Bar jumps

**If you complete 8 rounds start next section**

· A Completes:

800m Bike

· B Completes:

5 Snatches (50/35)

10 Front Squats (50/35)

15 Box Step Overs (24/20”)

**If you complete 8 rounds: Max Cals AD in remaining time**

SCALED Option: Scale to suit.

· A Completes:

400m Run

· B Completes:

5 Pull Ups / Ring Rows

10 Press Ups

15 Squats

**If you complete 8 rounds start next section**

· A Completes:

300m Ski

· B Completes:

5 Power Cleans (50/35)

10 Sit Ups

15 Bar Step Overs

**If you complete 8 rounds start next section**

· A Completes:

800m Bike

· B Completes:

5 Snatches (35/20)

10 Front Squats (35/20)

15 Box Step Overs (20/16”)

**If you complete 8 rounds: Max Cals Row in remaining time**

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