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WOAH Friday 09/04/21

At completion any WODs you complete: 20 Down ups 21 Full Sit ups (For the year, 2021) BODYWEIGHT at home 50-40-30-20-10 Air Squat Sit Ups Star Jumps @ mins 6 & 12 complete 15 Inchworms. GYMNASTICS at home 4 Rounds. 30 secs Hollow hold . 20 Ab Crunches (legs raised) Rest as needed. BARBELL at home WOD - Chipper 40-30-20-10 Power Cleans Press ups Squat Jumps Push Jerks ERG at home 12 Rounds For Time 10 Push ups 15 Cal Erg 20 Alt Lunges

STRENGTH at home Deadlift 5 x 6 Bent Over Row 4 x 10 SDHP 4 x 10 Narrow Grip Bicep Curl alternated with Wide Grip Bicep Curl 4 x 10 Every 90 seconds for 9 mins do 7 Pendlay Rows, 7 Bent Over Row, 7 Reverse Grip Row

MET-CON at home For time 50 Box Jumps 40 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Snatch 30 Burpees 20 Hang Clean and Press 10 Over Head Lunges each side 20 Hang Clean and Press 30 Burpees 40 Dumbbell or Kettlebell Snatch 50 Box Jumps

Our mission, is to keep you moving and motivated. If you trust us and our pledge to keep you on track and focused, you’ll come back fitter, healthier and much stronger when all of this is (hopefully) over!



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