At completion any WODs you complete: 20 Down ups 21 Full sit ups (For the year, 2021) BODYWEIGHT at home 12 Rounds: 12 Sumo Squats 10 FSU 6 Press ups GYMNASTICS at home AMRAP 5mins. 30 Ab Cycles 20 Tricep Dips (on bench) Rest 5mins then repeat. BARBELL at home WOD - 20min EMOM 1 - 3x snatch grip dead’s 3x hang power snatch 3x OH squats
2 - REST ERG at home 5k Row for time (10k Bike) Every 1k of Row/2k Bike: 60 Double unders
STRENGTH at home Bench/Floor Press 5 x 12 Push ups alternated with diamond push ups 4x10 Barbell Shoulder Press 5 x 12 AMRAP 6mins 8 Close Grip Bench/Floor Press 8 Feet elevated Push up
MET-CON at home 30min AMRAP 10 Thrusters or Sandbag over shoulder 15 Air squats 10 Push ups 10 Sit ups 10 v - Sits 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
Our mission, is to keep you moving and motivated. If you trust us and our pledge to keep you on track and focused, you’ll come back fitter, healthier and much stronger when all of this is (hopefully) over!